About Us
Compassion meets Affordability.
Kolumbus Healthcare
Established in 1980, under visionary Dr Vijay Khandekar, the Organization was founded with philosophy to give value to human life by making available the best possible medical assistance to people in the shortest possible time. With sole mission to increase healthcare accessibility and improve health outcomes in reaching primary health to vulnerable populations. Our mission is fuelled by delivering services directly and flexibility in adapting change in services based on the changing needs of the target Community on principles of “Community Medicine”.
Kolumbus Healthcare took up the initiative of placing organized support and strengthen primary health care with technical knowledge, training, guidance and supervision, logistic support, supplies, information, financing, and referral facilities, including institutions to which unsolved problems and individual patients can be referred by providing well-equipped ambulances, diagnostics systems and services, basic of health services and defined exit mechanism by way of Mobile Medical Units with help of CSR activities for over 2 decades.

To ensure participation by local stake holders, social workers, Asha Workers are involved. Continuous awareness programs and training is generating local employment and sustenance of engagement at ground level.
In Primary care capacity for outreach is important and based on location of service area the transportation challenges are immense. The major learning of both medical and social quadrants of health, tackling health issues on a community-wide level, significant cost savings and a cost-effective care delivery model has been adapted which led us to propose Indigenous solution of Tele-Medicine cum Vending Machine.
Today workforce of 60 plus dedicated, qualified, and trained resources help us achieve our mission successfully.
As implementation partners we provide seamless primary or tertiary healthcare services with a powerful network of professionals with diversified expertise, academic backgrounds, and innovation solutions to incorporate and improve brand value of our CSR partners for every rupee spent. All-inclusive approach with continuous improvement with trainings of doctors and paramedical staff, use of local people for logistics, local health stake holders’ involvement and motivate beneficiaries to get sustained facilities are some of our key deliverables.
CSR Health Services offered on pan-India level. Presently providing services in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka with cluster of services from primary healthcare to hygiene & sanitation, Mobile Medical Clinics, Consultations by experts, Awareness program for various age groups addressing Malnutrition, Adolescence, Puberty, Female health, Co-opted healthcare camps with various groups to reduce urban rural divide, Gram Arogya Kendra Set up, Training and development of stake holders to generate local employment, Anti-Addiction programs. We at Kolumbus Healthcare are proud contributors in successful sustainable rural healthcare.

Our Mission
Make available & acessible healthcare to marginalized community. Use awareness & mobilization techniques to reach last mile of beneficiary.

Our Vision
Most affordable healthcare to all. Value care to everyone.

Our Values
Compassion, empathetic care, community wellness & prevention of disease is primary responsibility. Research & continuous improvement in methods to reach maximum number of beneficiaries to increase our reach to give the help.

Our Presence
Served over 2.5 crore beneficiaries & counting……