
Unique Features

It can provide faster and better diagnosis, as they can deliver results within minutes or hours.

They can be cost-effective, as they can save money on travel, consultation esp for bed ridden and post operative patients.

It can be highly beneficial for the older person and younger children, as they can reduce the exposure to infections and other risks that may occur in healthcare settings. They can also cater to the specific needs and preferences of these groups, such as convenience, comfort, and accessibility.

Scans and reports can be shared on digital medium for easy share to caregiver.

Unique Feature
Unique Feature
Unique Feature
Unique Feature

At-home diagnostic tools allow people to do their own testing, monitoring, and preventive care, all from the comfort of their home.

They can also help to prevent, detect, and treat various diseases and conditions, and to improve the health outcomes and quality of life of the users.

Tests done at home with qualified and trained personals –


Digital Xray



Cancer Screening - Breast and Oral.